Best Organizational Behavior MCQ and Short Notes

In this article one will get best required organizational behavior mcq and short notes with clear concepts.

Due to the latest technologies and communication, the world has become superfast. It needs organizations to adopt strong attitudes toward businesses to prove themselves and get more profit. Organizational behavior is the study of management at the micro level like how to act, how to react, how to think, and how to deploy.

Human behavior at work is very much diverse. So it needs a lot of practical and theoretical understanding for both management and employees for growth.

Organizational Behavior MCQ and Short Notes:-

Q1. Organizational behavior is a which process?

A. Simple

B. Rigid

C. Linear

D. Complex

Answer – Complex

Q2. Organization is the combination of

A. Machines

B. Science and People

C. Mnagement and Employee

D. Only Employees

Answer – Science and People

Q3. Organizational behavior in an organization is used for

A. Manpower

B. Organizational Effectiveness

C. Organization Motivation

D. Employees Management

Answer – Organizational Effectiveness

Q4. Organizational behavior is connected with people’s

A. Feelings

B. Thoughts

C. Actions

D. Emotions

E. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q5. Which are the fundamentals of organizational behavior?

  • Individual characteristics
  • Motivation
  • Individual ethics
  • Integrated social system
  • Combined interest to do a task

Q6. What is included in an organizational behavior system?

  • Leadership
  • Motivation
  • Group
  • Communication
  • Social Environment
  • Personal Growth
  • Performance

Q7. Which of the below is a model of organizational behavior?

A. Supportive Model

B. Autocratic Model

C. None of the above

D. Both are true

Answer – Both are true

Q8. In which of the below models, the manager has the power to command his subordinates to do a specific job?

A. Collegial Model

B. Supportive Model

C. Custodial Model

D. Autocratic Model

Answer – Autocratic Model

Q9. Which of the below models focus on better employee satisfaction and security?

A. Autocratic Model

B. Supportive Model

C. Custodial Model

D. Collegial Model

Answer – Custodial Model

Q10. Which of the below are the examples of elements of organizational behavior?

The basic elements of organizational behavior are

  • Groups
  • Technology
  • Emvironment
  • Structure
  • Individual
  • System
  • Management

Q11. What is the importance of organizational behavior in terms of contribution to the skill development of people?

Organizational behavior acts at the individual, group, intergroup, and interpersonal levels to provide better results to the organization.

Q12. Which of the below is a traditional approach to organizational behavior?

A. Scientific Management Approach

B. Technical Approach

C. Theoritical Approach

D. Psychological Approach

Answer – Scientific Management Approach

Q13. Which of the below approaches is concerned with the growth and development of people towards higher levels of competency, creativity, and fulfillment?

A. Contigency approach

B. System approach

C. Human resource approach

D. Productivity approach

Answer – Human resource approach

Q14. Which of the below approaches is a ratio that compares units of output with units of input?

A. Human resource approach

B. Productivity approach

C. System approach

D. Contigency approach

Answer – Productivity approach

Q15. What are various types of interpersonal roles of a manager in an organization?

A. Lead role

B. Liaison role

C. Leadership role

D. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q16. What are the various types of informational roles of a manager in an organization as per organizational behavior?

A. Spokesman role

B. Monitor role

C. Information disseminator role

D. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q17. What are the various kinds of the decision role of a manager in an organization?

  • Conflict handling role
  • Negotiator role
  • Resource allocation role
  • Entrepreneur role

Q18. Which one of the below is a theory of group formation?

A. Balance theory

B. Homans theory

C. Exchange theory

D. Propinquity theory

E. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q19. Which one of the below is an example of mature group?

A. Formal leadership

B. Cohesiveness

C. Planning

D. Decision taking

Answer – Cohesiveness

Q20. Which one of the below is a example of group norms?

A. Performance norms

B. Leadership norms

C. Management norms

D. None of the above

Answer – Performance norms

Q21. Which of the below puts human resources into action?

A. Emotion

B. Promotion

C. Demotion

D. Motivation

Answer – Motivation

Q22. Which are below Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?

  • Safety needs
  • Social needs
  • Esteem needs
  • Psychological needs

Q23. Which need is an example of ERG Theory of Motivation?

A. Self-actualisation Needs

B. Growth Needs

C. Safety Needs

D. Social Needs

Answer – Growth Needs

Q24. ERG Theory has how many parts?

A. 2 parts

B. 4 parts

C. 3 parts

D. 5 parts

Answer – 3 parts

Q25. Need of Achievement falls in whose need theory?

A. Porter Lawler Extension

B. McClelland’s Need Theory of Motivation

C. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

D. ERG Theory of Motivation

Answer – McClelland’s NeedTheory of Motivation

Q26. Who developed equity theory?

J Stacy Adams.

Q27. Which of the below approaches to the motivation process focus on why some behaviors are maintained and changed over time?

A. Equity theory

B. Process-based theories of motivation

C. Reinforcement-based theories of motivation

D. McClelland needs theory of motivation.

Answer – Reinforcement-based theories of motivation

Q28. Which one of the below theories concerned with how motivation occurs?

A. Reinforcement-based theories of motivation

B. Equity theory

C. Process-based theories of motivation

D. McClelland needs theory of motivation.

Answer – Process-based theories of motivation

Q29. In which theory Need for power, Need for affiliation and need for achievement presents

A. Equity theory

B. Process-based theories of motivation

C. McClelland needs theory of motivation

D. Reinforcement-based theories of motivation

Answer – McClelland needs theory of motivation

Q30. Who developed the X and Y theory of motivation?

A. Douglas McGregor

B. Maslow Abraham

C. Clayton Alderfer

D. Victor Vroom

Answer – Douglas McGregor

Q31. Who proposed ERG theory of motivation?

A. Victor Vroom

B. Clayton Alderfer

C. Douglas McGregor

D. Maslow Abraham

Anser – Clayton Alderfer

Q32. Who proposed the dual structure approach to motivation?

A. Maslow Abraham

B. Frederick Herzberg

C. Douglas McGregor

D. Clayton Alderfer

Answer – Frederick Herzberg

Q33. Who developed the Expectancy theory of motivation?

A. Victor Vroom

B. Maslow Abraham

C. Porter and Lawler

D. Douglas McGregor

Answer – Victor Vroom

Q34. Which of the below theories assumes that people make decisions about their behavior in organizations?

A. Process-based theories of motivation

B. Reinforcement-based theories of motivation

C. Expectancy theory of motivation

D. Equity theory

Answer – Expectancy theory of motivation

Q35. Who developed Goal setting Theory?

Anser – Edwin Locke

Q36. What are the components of Goal setting Theory?

  • Goal difficulty
  • Goal specificity
  • Goal acceptance
  • Goal setting in practice

Q37. Which of the below is an example of managerial approaches for improving motivation?

A. Management by objectives

B. Job redesign

C. Only A is correct

D. Only B is correct

E. Both A and B are correct

Answer – Both A and B are correct

Q38. Which of the below are part of the Quality of Work Life Programme?

A. Job Redesign

B. Quality Circle

C. Alternative Work Schedule

D. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q39. In which type of leadership style, there is a complete centralization of authority in the leader?

A. Manipulative Autocrat

B. Strict Autocrat

C. Autocratic

D. Benevolent Autocrat

Answer – Autocratic

Q40. Which of the below autocrat leaders uses positive influences and develops effective human relations?

A. Autocratic

B. Manipulative Autocrat

C. Benevolent Autocrat

D. Strict Autocrat

Answer – Benevolent Autocrat

Q41. Which of the leadership types is known as “no leadership at all”

A. Free Rein

B. Autocratic

C. Democratic

D. Manipulative

Answer – Free Rein

Q42. Which of these below are examples of leaders?

A. Persuasive Leaders

B. Creative Leaders

C. Manipulative Leaders

D. Paternalistic Leaders

E. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q43. What are the organizational factors affecting job satisfaction?

  • Salary
  • Wage
  • Security
  • Working condition
  • Social security

Q44. Which of the below is a symptom of Low Morale?

  • Bored employee
  • Restless employee
  • Dissatisfied employee
  • Unstable employee
  • Indisciplined employee

Q45. Give 5 measures to improve the morale of employees

  1. By running a systematic grievance procedure in the organization
  2. By making an effective supervision
  3. By regularly and periodically reviewing the rules and regulations
  4. By providing flexible working hours to employees
  5. By providing employees with new technologies hand on

Q46. Due to the length of the work period and speed of work, which kind of fatigue happens

A. Menatl Fatigue

B. Physical Fatigue

C. Chronic Fatigue

Answer – Physical Fatigue

Q47. Which of the below is the term of reduction in the ability to do work?

A. Fatigue

B. Morale

C. Sincerity

D. Productivity

Answer – Fatigue

Q48. Which of the below external force factors is forcing change?

A. Psychological Characteristics

B. Demographic Characteristics

C. Physical Work

D. Mental Pressure

Answer – Demographic Characteristics

Q49. The clashes between managers and subordinates can lead the organization to

A. Benefits

B. Disaster

C. Improvements in new strategies

D. Complexity

Answer – Disaster

Q50. Which of the below stages is as per Lewin’s stage model?

A. Changing

B. Unfreezing

C. Refreezing

D. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q51. Which of the below is an example of organizational sources of resistance?

A. Over determination

B. Overconfidence

C. Over thinking

D. Management

Answer – Over determination

Q52. Which of the groups is more likely to change if they are not beneficial to their group?

A. Formal group

B. Informal group

C. Disciplined group

D. Overconfidence group

Answer – Informal group

Q53. Which of the below is generally considered the most effective technique for overcoming resistance to change?

A. Determination

B. Execuation

C. Participation

D. Satisfaction

Answer – Participation

Q54. Which of the below is an organizational improvement strategy?

A. Orgainzational Development

B. Organizational Behavior

C. Organizational Change

D. Organizational Support

Answer – Orgainzational Development

Q55. Which of the following techniques is employed in sensitivity training?

A. Y-Group

B. Z-Group

C. D-Group

D. T-Group

Answer – T-Group

Q56. Which of the below are the objectives of sensitivity training?

  • Understanding group process
  • Concern for others
  • Enhance listening skills
  • Increased trust and support for others.

Q57. Which of the below approaches is widely used for organizational effectiveness?

A. Time Approach

B. Value Approach

C. Goal Approach

D. Money Approach

Answer – Goal Approach

Q58. What are the factors affecting organizational effectiveness?

  • Casual Variables
  • Intervening Variables
  • End-Result Variables

Q59. Who is the father of Quality Control Circles?

A. Udpa

B. Lewin

C. Ishikawa

D. None of the above

Answer – Lewin

Above are some of the most important Organizational Behavior MCQ

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