Management Information Systems Questions | Best MIS Questions and Answers

Here we are sharing the most required question and answer series for management information systems.

Major Acts of Management Information Systems in Organizations

Q1. What may be a data consists of

A. Objects

B. Numbers

C. Words

D. Images

E. All of Above

Answer – All of Above

Q2. Which of these below is processed data?

A. Signal

B. Logic

C. Information

D. Observation

Answer – Information

Q3. What is the relationship between data and information?

A. Like raw material to finish product

B. A processing system processes data into information.

C. Both are true

Answer – Both are true.

Q4. What are the various attributes of information?

A. Timeliness

B. Understandbility

C. Accuracy

D. Above A, B, and C all are correct

E. None of the above

Answer – Above A, B, and C all are correct

Q5. The information generated at regular intervals is called

A. External Information

B. Recurring Information

C. Action Information

D. No action Information

Answer – Recurring Information

Q6. The information generated through the internal sources of the organization is called

A. Internal Information

B. Non-recurring Information

C. Action Information

D. External Information

Answer – Internal Information

Q7. Based on application, information is classified into

A. Knowledge Information

B. Planning Information

C. Control Information

D. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q8. The information which is needed for day to day operation of a business organization is called

A. Tactical Information

B. Operational Information

C. Control Information

D. Strategic Information

Answer – Operational Information

Q9. The information which is needed to take short-range decisions to run the businesses frequently

A. Tactical Information

B. Planning Information

C. Knowledge Information

D. Recurring Information

Answer – Tactical Information

Q10. The information which is needed for long-range planning and direction of the business is called

A. Operational Information

B. Control Information

C. External Information

D. Strategic Information

Answer – Strategic Information

Q11. Which are the basic requirements in decision??

A. Alternatives

B. Goals

C. Value

D. Decision Quality

E. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q12. Just share knowledge about types of decisions

A. Programmed Decisions

B. Non-programmed Decisions

C. Only A is correct

D. Both are correct

Answer – Both are correct

Q13. Who said that – A programmed decision is made repeatedly on a routine basis, according to a pre-established set of alternatives.

A. Herbert Simon

B. George R Terry

C. Marry Nites

D. Heinz Weihrich

Answer – Herbert Simon

Q14. Programmed and non-programmed decisions may be distinguished in terms of

A. In which manner the solution is specified

B. The uniqueness of the problem

C. Who makes the decision

D. The type of organization in which they are commonly used

E. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q15. In management information systems, the top management of an organization like a board of directors and the chief executive officer are involved in which type of decisions

A. Structured Decisions

B. Unstructured Decisions

C. Formal Decisions

D. Non-formal Decisions

Answer – Unstructured Decisions

Q16. Managers of an organization rely on which type of sources of information to fulfill their needs

A. Planning Information

B. Strategic Information

C. Internal Information and External Information

D. Programmed Information

Answer – Internal Information and External Information

Q17. With the support of information technology in a successful organization, the levels of managerial decision-making involved in

A. Operational Management

B. Strategic Management

C. Tactical Management

D. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q18. Example of structured decisions in an organization

A. Operating Manager

B. Operational Management

C. Self-directed teams

D. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q19. What is an organized combination of people, software, hardware, data resources, and communication networks that stores and retrieves information in an organization?

A. Decision-Making

B. Information Systems

C. Programming

D. Technology

Answer – Information Systems

Q20. What are the various components of Information Systems?

A. Software

B. Hardware

C. Data

D. Networks

E. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q21. Is “People” the part of an information system or not?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Don’t Know

Answer – Yes

Q22. What are the major roles of Management Information Systems

A. To support decision-making

B. To support business processes

C. To take better advantage in front of peers

D. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q23. What are the major activities of Management Information Systems?

A. Data Storage of resources

B. Output of information products

C. Input of data resources

D. System performance control

E. Processing of data into information

F. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q24. Data regarding business transactions and other events must be captured by the input activity and prepared for processing is called

A. Decision making

B. Input of data resources

C. Storage of data resources

D. None of the above

Answer – Input of data resources

Q25. What are the capabilities of management information systems?

A. Provide fast communications

B. Provide support for decision-making

C. Only A is correct

D. Both A & B are correct

Answer – Both A & B are correct

Q26. Which among the following is a capability of management information systems?

A. Provide fast and accurate transaction processing

B. Go beyond the boundaries

C. Both are correct

Answer – Both are correct

Q27. Major challenges associated with management information systems

  • Globalization challenges
  • Responsibility and control challenge
  • Strategic business challenge
  • Information challenge
  • Information system investment challenge

Q28. Which challenge deals with identifying business and system requirements to survive in a globalized economy?

A. Information Challenge

B. Strategic business challenge

C. Emvironment challenge

D. Globalization challenge

Answer – Globalization challenge

Q29. Which of the following are examples of Transaction Processing Systems?

A. Tax forms

B. Software

C. Network

D. Hardware

Answer – Tax forms

Q30. Which of the following are examples of Enterprise Collaboration Systems?

A. Sales receipts

B. Purchase orders

C. Software

D. Employee paychecks

Answer – Software

Q31. Which of the following information systems top management needs?

A. Decision support system

B. Enterprise collaboration system

C. Transaction processing system

D. Executive information system

Answer – Executive information system

Q32. Which of the following are examples of Executive information systems?

A. Memos

B. Dividend checks

C. Network

D. Data

Answer – Memos

Q33. In which decisions adjusting a physical production process are automatically made by computer

A. Transaction processing systems

B. Process control system

C. Enterprise collaboration system

C. Decision support system

Answer – Process control system

Q34. When support systems are a natural progression from management reporting systems and transaction processing systems is called

A. Executive information system

B. Management orientation

C. Decision support system

D. Process control system

Answer – Decision support system

Q35. Which is the example of knowledge management systems

A. Sales proposal strategies

B. Online stock trading

C. Web systems

D. Credit application advisor

Answer – Sales proposal strategies

Q36. Information systems that support applications in accounting, finance, marketing, and human resource management are called

A. Strategic management systems

B. Knowledge management systems

C. Expert systems

D. Functional business systems

Answer – Functional business systems

Q37. Knowledge-based systems that provide expert advice and act as expert consultants to users are called

A. Knowledge management systems

B. Functional business systems

C. Expert systems

D. Strategic management systems

Answer – Expert systems

Q38. What is the basic role of IT in business?

A. Support of decision-making

B. Support of strategies for competitive advantage

C. Support of business processes

D. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q39. One organization can be viewed in 2 ways, what are those may be

A. Technical view

B. Theoritical view

C. Behavioral view

D. Both A & C are correct

E. Above all are correct

Answer – Both A & C are correct

Q40. What are the major characteristics of Organisations

  • Organizational culture
  • Organizational environment
  • Organizational structure
  • Organizational politics
  • Routine and business processes

Q41. Which are the examples of external business environment

A. Global market

B. Decapitalization

C. Accountability

D. Business ecosystem

E. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q42. Which are the examples of internal business environment

A. Self service

B. Real time working

C. Outsourcing and Strategic Alliances

D. Hierarchy

E. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q43. When people work together on a project rather than depend on a chain of command called

A. Real time working

B. Self service

C. Team based working

D. None of the above

Answer – Team based working

Q44. What is the influence of Management Information systems on managers?

  • The use of technology to design and structure the organization
  • Reporting and control for managers
  • Automated production processes
  • Adopting team based working
  • Selecting systems for different kinds of workers
  • Personal support systems

Q45. What are the various advantages of information technology in the organization?

A. Delights the customer

B. Excels in products

C. Facilitates measurements

D. Lowers costs

E. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q46. What are the applications of management information systems?

A. Building a customer-focused business

B. Improving business quality

C. Creating a virtual company

D. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q47. Which one of the following are formal legal entities with internal rules and procedures that must be abiding by laws?

A. Organization

B. Individuals

C. Groups

D. None of the above

Answer – Organization

Q48. Why do businesses need information technology?

  • To support decision-making at managerial level
  • Support strategic competitive advantages
  • Support of business operations

Analysis of System and Development Processes

Q49. When the systems approach to problem-solving is applied to the development of information system solutions for business problems, it is called

Answer – Information system development

Q50. A relatively detailed analysis of the costs of both development and operations of the various alternative is called

A. Economic Feasibility

B. Operational Feasibility

C. Scheduled Feasibility

D. Motivational Feasibility

Answer – Economic Feasibility

Q51. The probability that the organization can complete the development process in the time allowed for development is called

A. Technical Feasibility

B. Operational Feasibility

C. Schedule Feasibility

D. Motivational Feasibility

Answer – Schedule Feasibility

Q52. The feasibility which deals with the subjective assessment of the political and managerial environment in which the system will be implemented is called

A. Motivational Feasibility

B. Economic Feasibility

C. Operational Feasibility

D. Schedule Feasibility

Answer – Operational Feasibility

Q53. Systems designers frequently develop which of the following specifications for a proposed system?

A. Software

B. Hardware

C. Data

D. Network

E. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q54. Which of the below involves developing general specifications for how the basic information system activities of input, output, processing, storage, and control can meet end-users requirements?

A. Physical system design

B. Logical system design

C. System specifications

D. System analysis

Answer – Logical system design

Q55. Which of these below is a stage of system implementation?

A. Documentation

B. Testing

C. Specification

D. Conversion

E. Both A & B correct

F. All A, B, C, D are correct

G. A, B, D are correct

Answer – A, B, D are correct

Q56. The monitoring, evaluating and modifying of operational systems to make desirable improvements is called

A. Documentation

B. Conversion

C. System maintenance

D. Acquisition

Answer – System maintenance

Q57. What is an assessment and review of complete working solution?

A. Maintainance

B. Post implementation review

C. Software development

D. System analysis

Answer – Post implementation review

Q58. What are the purposes of a post-implementation review?

A. To realize the degree of success from the project

B. To learn lessons from projects for future improvements

C. To examine the efficiency of all elements of the working business solutions

D. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q59. Which one of the following is a characteristic of system analysis?

A. Use of advanced technology

B. System boundaries

C. System objective

D. Nature of the system

Answer – Use of advanced technology

Q60. What are the needs for system analysis?

A. System importance

B. Role of the system

C. System objective

D. Understanding of resource needs

E. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q61. What are the various characteristics of structured system analysis and design methodology (SSADM)?

  • Creation of model
  • Purpose
  • Analysys technique
  • Interpretation
  • Function interaction

Q62. What are the objectives of SSADM

A. Ensure that the project continues without damages

B. Develop overall better quality systems

C. Improve communication between participants in a project

D. Improve the way in which projects are controlled and managed.

E. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q63. Some of the advantages of SSADM

A. Effective use of skills

B. Better quality

C. Improvement of productivity

D. Usability

E. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q64. A technique for organizing and documenting the structure and flow of data through a system’s process and the logic, policies and procedures to be implemented by a system’s processes is called

A. Logic modelling tools

B. Data modelling tools

C. Process modelling tools

D. None of the above

Answer – Process modelling tools

Q65. What are the two main tools used in data modeling?

  • ER Diagram
  • Data Dictionary

Q66. Which of the following is used for the visualization of data processing?

A. Data flow daigram

B. ER diagram

C. Flow chart

D. Simple diagram

Answer – Data flow diagram

Q67. Which of the below is a major convention used in data flow diagrams?

A. Data Stores

B. Data modelling

C. Logic modelling

D. Process modelling

Answer – Data stores

Q68. Which of these below is an advantage of the data flow diagram?

A. Data store

B. Tool for communication

C. Process

D. Data flow

Answer – Tool for communication

Q69. The chart which shows the components that comprise the software and how they call each other is called

A. Pivot chart

B. Data chart

C. Structure chart

D. None of the above

Answer – Structure chart

Q70. What are the various modules in the structure chart?

A. Transformational module

B. Specialize module

C. Control module

D. All are true

Answer – All are true

Q71. Which of these below are examples of structured English?

  • FOR
  • END
  • DO
  • GET
  • OPEN
  • TRUE

Q72. How many parts are there in the decision table?

A. 4

B. 2

C. 3

D. 5

Answer – 2

Q73. Various advantages of decision trees

A. It can validate a model using a statistical test

B. Required little data preparation

C. Can manage large data in short time

D. Able to handle both numerical and categorical data

E. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q74. Which are the different types of attributes in the Entity Relationship Diagram?

A. Single valued attributes

B. Multi valued attributes

C. Store and derived attributes

D. Simple attributes

E. Composite attributes

F. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q75. Which of the below is a very important notation of entity relationship diagram?

A. Relationship

B. System

C. Data

D. Value

Answer – Relationship

Q76. Which are below examples of entity relationship diagram?

A. Shipment

B. Supplier

C. Item

D. Product

E. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q77. Which of the below is an example of one-to-one relationship?

A. Department to Manager

B. Employee and Project

C. Manager to Employee

D. None of the above

Answer – Department to Manager

Q78. Which of the below is an example of a many-to-many relationship?

A. Employee and Project

B. Department and Manager

C. Manager to Employee

D. All of the above

Answer – Employee and Project

Q79. Which of the below is a feature of Data Dictionary?

A. Reduce data redundancy

B. Increase data reliability

C. Simplify database modification

D. All are true

Answer – All are true

Q80. Which of the below is a component of a data dictionary?

A. Data Decsription

B. System

C. Software

D. Data Type

Answer – Data Description

Q81. Which of the below is a relationship in data structure?

A. Blood relationship

B. Data relationship

C. Sequence relationship

D. Process relationship

Answer – Sequence relationship

Q82. Which is a systematic, sequential approach to software development that begins at the system level and progresses through analysis, design, testing, coding, and support?

A. Prototyping model

B. Waterfall model

C. RAD model

D. Spiral model

Answer – Waterfall model

Q83. Which of the below is a step in Waterfall Model?

A. Coding

B. Testing of Software

C. Mainatinance

D. All are correct

Answer – All are correct

Q84. Which are the minimum sets of documents the required in Waterfall Model?

  • Project plan
  • Detailed design document
  • Software manuals
  • Review reports
  • System design document

Q85. Which of the below is a human role in system development?

A. Database Designer

B. Software Engineer

C. Civil Engineer

D. Peon

Answer – Database Designer

Q86. Which of the skills required for a System Analyst in Management Information System?

A. Management Skills

B. Analytical Skills

C. Technical Skills

D. Interpersonal Skills

E. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Q87. What are the various responsibilities of Database Administrator?

  • Database design
  • Defining backup
  • Data modelling
  • Database administration
  • Data optimization
  • Using new softwares
  • Checking security issues
  • Analyzing data

Q88. Which are the various characteristics of Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)?

  • Support
  • Strong integration
  • Design software
  • Standard methodology
  • Flexibility
  • Integration with testing software

Q89. Which of the below is a Computer Aided Software Engineering support in Software life cycle?

A. Planning

B. Evaluating

C. Code Generation

D. Integrating

Answer – Code Generation

Q90. Which is an examination of the controls within an information technology infrastructure?

Answer – Information System Audit

Q91. Which of the below is an example of Information Technology Audit?

A. Psychological Audit

B. Theoritical Audit

C. Professional Audit

D. Technological Innovation Process Audit

Answer – Technological Innovation Process Audit

Q92. Which of the below is a major process of Information Technology Audit?

  • Understanding organization
  • Understanding organizational environment
  • Assessing the risk
  • Issuing audit reports
  • Issuing results

Q93. Which are the various types of Decision Support Systems?

  • Accounting systems
  • Model based systems
  • Information analysis systems
  • Data analysis systems
  • Status inquiry systems

Q94. What are inputs required by Database Designer?

  • Retention
  • Performance
  • Volume

Q95. In which model the software engineering team moves around the spiral in a clockwise direction?

A. Spiral model

B. RAD model

C. Above both are true

Answer – Spiral model

Q96. In quadrant spiral model, which number quadrant emphasizes development of strategies that resolve the uncertainties and risks

A. First quadrant

B. Second quadrant

C. Third quadrant

D. Fourth quadrant

Answer – Third quadrant

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